Thursday, 10 April 2014

The Very Last Word

So here we are, the end at last.  Our final thought for the day is 'There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn't mind who gets the credit'. Our song to start us is 'Liquid Lunch' Caro Emerald.  Indeed I have felt the need for a few of those over the last couple of weeks!  But enough of that, this is really just to say that I will be starting a new Blog, and for now it will be called 'Into the Twilight Zone'. I will share it on Facebook as normal, but for those of you who wish to follow by whatever means, it can be found at: It's been interesting for me to see where this has been read from, Brazil, China, UAE, Poland, Ukraine (although not recently, must have something else on your mind!) so thank you and I hope you've found the musings of one silly old woman entertaining!

The house completed at the end of March, so that's done and dusted. Like I said, Debbie and I won't be working together again, to quote 'You learn a lot about yourself doing physical work. And what I learnt about myself was that I don't like physical work.' Well that certainly applied to one of us, but as Paul Carrack espouses, 'Lifes too Short'.  So the matter is closed. We will not revisit it. It's going in the 'Never to be revisited' box. (I have to say, that this particular box has Tardis like qualities, as it should be full to over-flowing by now!). The goals were achieved, and money made, so move on.

And so I enter the Twilight Zone. The search begins.  This is the only thing that inspires me just now:

What do you think?  Might be a bit of a non starter, as I'm not sure I can get there for the block viewing this weekend, the lady at the agents told me that she could tell from my 'bit of an accent' (?!) that I wasn't local! If it's still about when Fiona and I make our exploratory trip then it's obviously meant to be!  I can feel a glimmer of excitement stirring! After all 'An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered'. And on that note I shall leave you, and play out to the strains of  'It's Good to be Alive' and ''Kissing You Goodbye'.  Thanks for reading!  Back soon XX!  ( How will you cope with out me?!)

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